It’s Showtime, the flagship noontime show of ABS-CBN, will soon be seen on GMA. The contract signing happened on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, attended by the bosses of GMA and ABS-CBN, as well as the stars of the show headed by Vice Ganda, Anne Curtis, Vhong Navarro, Jhong Hilario, Kim Chiu, Karylle, Jugs Jugueta, Teddy Corpus, Amy Perez, Ion Perez, Ryan Bang, and Darren Espanto, among others.
GMA first welcomed It’s Showtime into its home when they opened GTV, a GMA-owned cable channel, for the noontime show. Now, however, the show in now on the main GMA channel.
Such a historic event indeed.
It’s Showtime will begin airing on GMA on April 6, 12 noon to 2:30 PM.